Conversely, software publishers have long understood the relevance of social selling . Your salespeople are already prospecting on LinkedIn because it is on this professional social network that the decision-makers are found. A particularly effective strategy , which will be good to take advantage of by sharing blog articles produced as part of an inbound marketing strategy. With these recommendations specific to your activity, you now have no more excuses to adopt an inbound marketing strategy! Need to know more.
Having a blog helps promote Phone Number Data your brand awareness and highlight your company's expertise. But it generates qualified traffic to your website and potential leads, it’s even better! It is in particular thanks to the implementation of good SEO that this is possible. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is “the art of positioning a site, a web page or an application in the first natural results of search engines”.

In this article, we give you our advice to optimize the SEO of your blog articles and ensure that you generate maximum traffic and attract your prospects to your site. Identify the right keywords to improve your SEO One article = one objective = one main keyword An article must target a main keyword and be optimized around this keyword. Of course this article will also aim to position yourself on the long tail and secondary and derived words around your main keywords.