But there are, obviously, other equally valuable sources. Constantly monitoring all subjects related to content marketing , our team offers you its brand new infographic presenting the 10 SEO and digital marketing influencers to follow so as not to miss any of the latest trends. Influencers, these 2.0 experts The explosion of social networks has allowed the rise of numerous experts who share, day after day, their experiences, their know-how, their points of view on current events or, more simply, their own monitoring on subjects related to their respective activities. From now on, these influencers are sources of information just as essential.
And sometimes even more precise, than the “classic” media because they provide a true expert WhatsApp Number List perspective on current affairs subjects . Infographics, articles, columns, or other feedback are part of the wide variety of content regularly shared by these different web personalities. There are many types of expertise and personalities to know and follow on the various existing social networks. Here is Panda SEO ’s selection : Isabelle Matthieu , Founder of the Isabelle Matthieu firm , Anthony Rochand , Founder of Web Experts , Mounir Mousthalaf , Director of Mounir Digital , Alina Petrova.

Content marketing strategist for SEM Rush , Olivier Andrieu , Consultant at Abondance , Vincent Brossas , Consultant and founder of the Leptidigitished Required fields marked with * Comment Comment Namy name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Post comments Our latest articles sxo core web vitals SXO: The “Core Web Vitals” update announced by Google i18, 2020 inbound marketing The 4 fundamental steps of inbound marketing July 30, 2020 promote your startup What is startup valuation.