There is also an option to close comments after a specified number of days, which might be useful depending on the nature of your website.
In general comments are good. You want them, and it really doesn’t matter if they arrive all at once or trickle in as new people find your post. They add unique content to your website. Plus they show search engines that your content is relevant and readers are actively involved on your site.
We do not recommend limiting the timeframe for comments Country Email List without a good reason. Most sites should leave this option unchecked. But there are instances where the option does make sense. For example, if your posts revolve around promotions that ask readers to comment as a form of entry you might want to have comments close when your promotions end.
Use Plugins to Filter Comment Spam
Spam comments can be difficult to spot just using the default WordPress options for filtering. But with the help of capable plugins, they are easier to identify, if not blocked completely. Here is a selection of plugins you can use to achieve that.

The Akismet plugin that comes built into the core WordPress software can help to filter comments that appear like spam. All you need to do is activate it but you will have to sign up for and set up its API key to get started. While it performs a decent job of keeping out spam, it is not foolproof and some legitimate comments may sometimes be mistaken for spam. So check your spam folder regularly for comments that were mistakenly flagged.