The Gutenberg editor aims to make it easier to add new content, while offering new functionalities and greater transparency. All this will make it possible to create more complex compositions in the standard editor. goal of the gutenberg project The name of the editor in question comes from Johannes Gutenberg, who contributed to the rapid development of printing in Europe. Therefore, it cannot be denied that the nomenclature itself carries a message referring to how the new editor is to be perceived - revolutionary and easy.
Check out the fastest WordPress hosting and Ecommerce hosting on the market . Why does Gutenberg get negative reviews? The main goal of developers working on the Gutenberg editor is to simplify the use of WordPress. However, there is a large group of users philippines photo editor who claim otherwise. Many people accuse developers that Gutenberg is built mainly for paid WordPress, and that it is a response to the competition, websites like Medium or Wix, which have much easier-to-use visual editors. The creators are also reminded of the fact that Gutenberg violates.
WordPress philosophy to some extent . This is specifically about the "Clean, Lean and Mean" point, where the WordPress founding fathers agreed that the core of the WordPress system would contain only basic functionalities, as it was created to be light and fast. negative gutenberg reviews Moreover, in the current version, Gutenberg has a lot of bugs and causes various types of errors on many websites, making it impossible to continue using the editor (or even the entire website). This is most likely a programming error.