Are there initiatives that work towards narrowing
their profits to ensure everyone has access to cleanwater and a toilet within our lifetime”. To do this, they partner withcharities that provide proper sanitation for millions of people in need such asWaterAid. How Brands Can Take on Social Issues on Social Media 2. Your companyculture aligns with the cause If gender equality is a focus at your company andsomething you promote on social media, then there should be evidence of thatwithin your culture.thegender pay gap or maternity and paternity packages that help women return towork? Don’t get caught out by talking about an issue that’s not reflected inyour own company or exclude a segment of society in your social communitymanagement. 3. You
have a track record on the topic Maybe there’s atopic or issue that you have been Jewelers Email Listfocusing on for years. For example, Dove’sapproach to digital marketing through their Real Beauty campaign has made thebrand synonymous with highlighting and appreciating real women and leavingretouching at the door. This campaign was so successful that in the first 10years, profits jumped from $2.5 billion to $4 billion. 4. Your position willhelp you stand out from the crowd During the Covid-19 pandemic a lot of brands tookto social media to empathize with customers. However, this backfired for manyas a Kantar Covid-19 study found that 74% of people believe that brands shouldnot exploit the pandemic to promote a brand. So don’t adopt a cut and paste
message just because others are. Take a stand byusing your unique perspective and voice to stand out from the noise. 5.Consider risk vs. reward When brands take a stand on issues using social media,the top three reactions of consumers were positive, ranging from intrigued toimpressed and engaged. This trumped negative emotions and shows the power ofspeaking out to drive positive engagement leading to brand loyalty andinevitably sales. How Brands Can Take on Social Issues on Social Media 6. Nottaking a stand on a key issue could be detrimental It can happen that someissues are so significant, that a brand ignoring them can be seen as anegative. Global movements such as #MeToo and #BlackLivesMatter had such animpact on society they